
Showing posts from August, 2019

video classics with the stupidest names possible

Now not all addicts are so lucky. Solomon, what with 700 and 300 concubines, was addicted to sex, much like Tiger Woods. Unfortunately, there apparently were no sex addiction clinics way back then. Flashing is gnarlier on his work compared to Kromlech or Spellcrow, but it also notably cheaper and in its own way matches the hodge podgey style that the Orks are known for without directly lifting from the kit. I was excited for the Yob arms, and those did not disappoint.Pictured are: 10x Basic Legs, 2x Yob Arms (one of which is being held by me), 2x Blackfinger Bits, 4x Flak jacket torsos, 4x Vehicle Wound Trackers, and the GoMo big guns set. Freebies are a hit too, I got a set of tankhunta torsos and one of pretty much everything I wanted to see in person (and some kind of weird spiked dildo. sex toys They aren't dramas. We can't watch Kardashians and think "Hmm. Wouldn't it be interesting for the show if Kim was pregnant?" in the way we might think "Hmm. Wit...